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Here we have found out lots of information about the history of these countries flags. We have found out how old they are, why they chose the colours they used and what the different elements represent. Read on to find out more fascinating facts about these countries' flags.
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All about the flag of Australia

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The large seven pointed star underneath the Union Jack is called the Commonwealth star and it represents the Commonwealth of nations.

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The maple leaf always has eleven points and the flag is twice as wide as it is tall. It came into being in 1964 and Canadians celebrate National flag day every year on 15th February.

All about the flag of Canada

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All about the flag of India

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By law, the flag of India is only allowed to be made from a special hand-made fabric called Khadi that was made popular by Mohatma Gandhi. 

All about the flag of Japan

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One of the oldest flags in the world, the flag of Japan has been in use since the year 701. The circle in the middle represents the sun and in Japanese, it is called the Nishokki.

All about the Kenyan flag

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The colours in the flag of Kenya are very significant. The Green represents the rich, fertile land of Kenya and the black represents the people  of Kenya. The red is to symbolise the blood lost in the battle for independence and the white bands represent peace.

All about the flag of the UK

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Did you know that whilst the United Kingdom traces its history back three hundred years, the flag off the UK is only two hundred years old. 

All about the flag of the United States

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Quick facts

The stars represent the different states of America and so when the flag first came into use, there were only 13 stars on the flag as there were only 13 states. 


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